I have been a fan of the movie, The Valley of Gwangi, ever since I saw it on television as a small boy of about six or seven years of age (in black and white, I might add). I was amazed at the effects work of Ray Harryhausen and the way he integrated his monsters into a world of cowboys and rodeos with seamless ease.

The Valley of Gwangi, though, is almost one of Harryhausen's lost classics, being eclipsed by his other work, such as Jason and the Argonauts, the three Sinbad movies and Clash of the Titans.

With the recent remake of Clash of the Titans (which wasn't anywhere near as good as the original!), I wondered if Gwangi would deserve the remake treatment. I mean, monsters are always popular in the cinema and the western is always well-received, what with the success of the remake of True Grit. So, how about a retelling of The Valley of Gwangi? I'd love to write it and see it up on screen with today's whiz-bang CGI effects. With that in mind, I hammered out a treatment for what, I think, would be a good, exciting monster movie. You can read it below and, remember, this is just a script treatment, a guide to the main features the final script should include. I hope you enjoy it and if you're a movie producer - drop me a line!!!!


The Valley of Gwangi


Based on the 1969 movie written by

William Bast, Julian More and Willis O’Brien






We open inside Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood. A young boy, aged 13, is sitting with his mother, marvelling at the amazing effects work in King Kong. Behind him sits an elderly gentleman, who is holding a walking stick with a peculiar top. The old man smiles as the boy hoots with delight as seemingly-alive dinosaurs battle on the screen.

Outside, the boy is chatting excitedly with his mother, who smiles and says she is glad he enjoyed the movie. The old man wobbles up, supported by his cane, and says hello. The boy’s mother smiles and returns the greeting. The old man asks the boy if he was impressed by the dinosaurs in the movie. The boy nods and says he wants to make movies like that one day. The man smiles and shows the boy his walking stick. Its top is an unusual, claw-like shape. The man says it is s claw from a dinosaur. The boy exclaims, “Wow!”

The man asks if the boy would like to hear a true story about dinosaurs, but his mother says that they should be going. The boy pleads with her and she relents, saying they can go to a nearby diner for a bite to eat and listen to the stranger’s tale.

The diner is busy and the boy, his mother and the old man are seated in a booth. The boy is eating a burger with fries as the adults watch on. The man begins his story (narrating as we watch events unfold on screen):



The Photographs and El Diablo


It is northern Mexico at the turn of the Twentieth Century. A small camp nestles against a sheer rock face, hundreds of feet high. This is an archaeological expedition, exploring a series of caves in the cliffs that contain relics from a long-lost native culture.

The expedition consists of Professor Horace Bromley, an amiable, English scientist aged about sixty, Miguel Santos, a Mexican hand aged about twenty, and, finally, Lope, a young Mexican lad of about twelve years of age.

The camera moves past the camp, where Lope is tending his mule, Rosita, and into a cave, darkness enveloping us. Deep inside, Miguel is working hard, digging at a rock face, while Bromley supervises and attempts to photograph their progress. He wrestles with a Box Brownie camera, muttering about the low light conditions. A shotgun leans against a wall, along with a spade, some cloth sacks and canisters of water.

Suddenly, Miguel’s pick-axe punches through the rock and a shaft of light cuts into the dimly-lit cave. Both men are astonished. They thought the cliffs were many miles deep. Miguel makes the hole larger and both men peer through, blinking in the dazzling sunlight.

Outside, stretching into the distance is a huge valley, dotted with mesas, towering rock formations and a surprising amount of lush vegetation, particularly for this arid region of Mexico. Miguel crosses himself and mutters something about ‘The Forbidden Valley’. Ignoring his age, Bromley grabs the pick-axe and makes the hole large enough for them to climb through.

A loud screech is suddenly heard and Bromley is aghast when a huge flying beast, a prehistoric pteranodon, flaps into view. It has a small animal in its long beak and is heading straight for them.

Bromley reels backwards, tripping over and his finger activates the shutter on the camera. A shot rings out and the beast falls from the sky only feet away from the sprawled scientist. Bromley looks to Miguel, who is lowering the shotgun from inside the cave. The small creature rolls out of its beak and attempts to scurry away, but Bromley quickly grabs one of the cloth sacks and scoops up the tiny beast. It whinnies and neighs, struggling to free itself from the tightly-woven bag. The professor ties the bag neatly and sets it down. He then takes several more photographs of the dead pteranodon.

Bromley and Miguel retreat back into the cave, where the professor tells the Mexican to block up the hole again, as well as he is able.

Bromley heads outside, only to find a group of people at the camp with Lope. Lope looks terrified and the scientist realises that they are banditos. He has dealt with them before in this remote area, knowing the leader is named Carlos, and tries to get them to leave, offering them a few coins and his beloved bottle of scotch. Unfortunately, they are more interested in the contents of the sack, the animal within, still struggling and neighing.

They draw their weapons and demand the sack from Bromley. Whatever is inside, they say, is from The Forbidden Valley and will fetch a good price in town at the travelling rodeo that has just arrived.

A shot rings out and Miguel emerges from the cave, the shotgun aimed at Carlos. He tells them that he intends to return the cursed creature to The Forbidden Valley, much to Bromley’s protests. The bandits laugh, jeering Miguel for his belief in such superstitions. Miguel insists that the beast must be returned to Gwangi, the Evil One, or they shall all perish. Bromley laughs at this too, but his smile quickly fades as Carlos shoots Miguel dead.

The bandits take the sack, Bromley’s money and his scotch and, after using a horse to trample one of the tents, they leave.

Bromley sinks to the ground, mopping his brow with a large, white handkerchief. Lope checks Miguel and confirms that their friend is dead. Lope asks Bromley what they found in the cave and why were they speaking of The Forbidden Valley? The professor pats his camera, which is still slung around his shoulder, and says, “Fame and fortune.”


The small town of Santa Maria lies a few miles south of the Rio Grande. Its white adobe buildings with terracotta roofs are typical and it is usually a sleepy, little place. The renovation of the town’s church, an edifice curiously large for such a tiny population, has halted for the day. Parading through the town is the Breckenridge Wild West Show. Arriving by train, with wagons filled with horses, rodeo bulls and even an elephant and a pair of bored-looking lions, the show has brought an air of excitement to Santa Maria.

Tuck Kirby, a talent scout for the Ringling Brothers Circus, watches the parade from the edge of the town’s square and smiles at the magnificently-adorned ‘Indians’ and the cowboys twirling lassos. His eyes fall on the figure at the head of the parade. Miss Theresa Juanita (T.J.) Breckenridge is wearing a fetching cowgirl outfit and riding the star of the show, Omar, the Wonder Horse. Her act is famous in the southern states and one half of it is the reason that Tuck is in town.

He smiles to himself and crosses the square to where his rented horse is hitched. He passes an old man and a young local boy. He turns his head when he hears the man muttering, in an English accent, about ‘the find of the century’. Tuck smiles again, mounts his horse and follows the parade out of town, following the railroad track, towards the arena, where the show will take place.


Bromley enters the telegraph office in the small, dusty railway station of Santa Maria and tries to send a telegram to his benefactors in England. Unfortunately, he has no money, so the manager refuses his request. Blustering and red-faced, Bromley exits, wondering what he should do next. He looks to his camera and decides to develop the pictures. Armed with those, he can name his price to anybody who would want to fund an expedition.


As Tuck’s horse trots towards the arena, we see many people working on a railway line. The line is at right-angles to the track that brought the Wild West Show (and Tuck) to Santa Maria. The line is heading in the direction of some distant peaks and the men are laying track at an impressive rate. In the distance, a huge explosion rips through some rocky terrain, causing Tuck’s horse to snort nervously.


By the time he nears the arena, Tuck can hear the sounds of the Wild West Show underway. He is impressed by the speed with which they got to work, given that they had only just arrived after the parade.

As he rides by, a couple of men recognise him and say hello. He nods in return, acknowledging their names, Bean and Rowdy. Bean is wearing a distinctive bowler hat. He hitches his horse and strolls towards the high, arched entrance to the arena. He is intercepted by Champ Connors, the show’s manager and Master of Ceremonies. He is unhappy to see Tuck and tells him in no uncertain terms to stay away from T.J. Tuck insists that he is here purely for business. Business with the owner of the show. He barges past Champ and walks through the entrance arch.

A cowboy and Indian gunfight show is ending and the band begins to play a tune that is familiar to Tuck. It’s T.J.’s theme. Champ thunders by on his horse, almost knocking down Tuck, perhaps deliberately. Using a large megaphone, he announces T.J. and Omar as the stars of the show.

At the centre of the circular arena is a high platform with a wide, spiral ramp leading to the top. At the side of the platform is a large, wooden tub, filled with murky water.

T.J. enters the arena, apparently not seeing Tuck and rides Omar to the top of the gantry. The band plays a rousing theme that ends with a drum-roll. T.J. moves Omar to the edge of the platform. The white horse snorts nervously and backs away. T.J. lightly taps his flanks with her bare feet and he moves again to the edge of the platform. The drum-roll sounds again.

For some reason, T.J. glances around and spies Tuck. He smiles and she seems a little shaken by his unexpected appearance. The drum-roll is heard once more and the crowd begins to grow restless, with several boos being heard.

T.J. composes herself and, yet again, the drum-roll commences. She gives Omar a firmer kick and her leaps from the platform into the tub, with a huge splash. The band plays a victorious finale and the crowd cheers.

Bean and Rowdy rush up to the tub and pull open a door in the side. Water rushes out and T.J. triumphantly emerges standing on top of Omar. The crowd cheer again, much louder this time.

T.J. drops down onto Omar’s back and rides out of the arena, casting Tuck a disparaging glance as she passes him by.


In Bromley’s hotel room, he is cooing over a set of damp photographs. We can see clear images of the pteranodon, with one of the photos showing it in the air as it swooped down onto them.

There is a knock on the door and Bromley hurriedly hides the photographs in his jacket. He brushes himself down and crosses to the door. He opens it and we see Lope. He is holding a small bag. He holds it out to Bromley, who asks what it is. Lope explains that it is ten pesos. He got the money by selling Miguel’s horse and saddle.

Bromley invites the boy inside and gently takes the bag. Lope sits down on the edge of the bed, looking a little sad. Bromley nods, and says that Miguel was a good man. Lope tells him that he now has enough money to buy equipment for his expedition.

Bromley smiles and says that he will need much more than ten pesos. But it’s a start and at least he will be able to send a telegram to London. He thanks Lope and offers to buy him a glass of lemonade. They leave the hotel room and Bromley affectionately ruffles the boy’s shaggy hair.


Tuck is sitting on a bale of hay outside the arena. He is holding a grimy handkerchief to his cheek and wincing. Champ swaggers up to him, a wry smile on his face. He gloats that T.J. obviously refused his offer to buy Omar for Buffalo Bill’s show. We cut to a shot of Tuck’s POV. T.J.’s door opens and her fist comes flying at the camera. Tuck sneers at the older man and Champ walks away, laughing.

A shadow falls across Tuck and he looks up to see the powerful frame of Carlos standing in front of him. Carlos introduces himself and tells him that he knows he is looking for acts for Buffalo Bill and explains that he has something worth buying. Tuck is unimpressed by the offer, but wary of the many weapons hanging from Carlos’ belts. The man is clearly not to be trifled with.

Carlos says that if he is not tempted, he is sure that Ms. Breckenridge will pay a handsome fee for his ‘item’. If he is interested, Tuck is to visit their camp outside of town at sunset. Tuck says he will think about it and watches as Carlos walks away, towards the arena.

Tuck gets to his feet and crosses to his horse, mounting the beast and heading back into town.


Lope and Bromley are sitting in the shade in front of the hotel, sipping drinks. Lope has a cloudy lemonade, while Bromley nurses a glass of liquor. Bromley looks very depressed and Lope asks about the telegram.

Bromley explains that his donors in London sent a telegram back within minutes, saying either he had gone insane or that the hot sun had dried out his brain. The fools! He pulls out the photographs and lays them out on the table. Lope is amazed, not having seen what had occurred in the cave earlier.

He tells Bromley of stories his grandmother used to tell him about a valley hidden in the desert, ruled by a monster called Gwangi, a great demon with deadly fangs and sharp claws. The horse must be returned to the valley or great evil will fall upon them. Bromley smiles and suggests that Lope’s grandmother may have been right all along, at least about The Forbidden Valley. He doubts that there are any demons there, though.

Just then, Tuck rides up and hitches his horse outside the hotel. He walks by Bromley’s table and nods genially to the old man. Bromley ignores him and continues staring at his photographs. Tuck sees them and stops dead in his tracks. He asks what kind of animal is in the photographs and Bromley explains that it is an extinct flying reptile from the age of the dinosaurs. Tuck laughs, but quickly stops when he sees that Bromley is quite serious.

Bromley confirms that he took the photos himself and needs funding for a larger expedition, but will not tell Tuck where. He tells Tuck of the encounter with Carlos and the theft of the small animal, which Bromley explains was a living, prehistoric ancestor of the modern horse called a Hyracotherium, and Tuck recalls the offer made to him at the arena, but says nothing.

Tuck wishes Bromley luck and heads inside the hotel.


The sun is low on the dusty horizon as Tuck rides into the bandit camp. There are numerous horses dotted around the camp and several covered wagons. A large fire is blazing and over a dozen men are seated around it, laughing and cheering at something Tuck cannot see. He dismounts his horses and walks towards the fire.

Carlos greets Tuck with a gold-toothed smile and invited him to join them, offering tequila, which Tuck declines.

When Tuck reaches the group around the fire, he is shocked to see Champ and T.J. standing nearby, arguing about something. T.J. sees Tuck and her face grows even more angry and asks Carlos why he is here.

Carlos grins and says that ore than one interested party will drive up the price of his ‘item’.

Carlos leads them away from the fire to a wagon and he pulls back the flap so they can see inside. They peer in and, in the gloom, we can make out a small, brown animal tied with a thin rope around its neck to the inside of the wagon. It looks at them and whinnies, scratching its tiny hooves on the wooden floor.

Unseen by the others, Lope hides behind a rock and watches the proceedings.

Tuck is amazed and quietly says ‘Hyracotherium’. T.J. asks what he means, but Tuck does not elaborate. Champ suggests it is a clever trick or a freak of nature.

T.J. pulls him aside and talks about buying the tiny horse and teaming it with Omar. They will make a fortune - ‘El Diablo’, the world’s smallest horse. Champ shakes his head. He doesn’t trust these bandits.

T.J. doesn’t listen and offers Carlos a hundred pesos on the spot. Carlos laughs at the offer. Tuck is uncertain what to do, but admits that Buffalo Bill would be interested in the animal. He offers five hundred pesos.

T.J. glares at Tuck, who shrugs. She offers a thousand pesos in cash, which she will bring tomorrow. Champ is shocked at the offer. Smiling, Carlos looks to Tuck. Tuck shakes his head in defeat. T.J. grins and tells Carlos she will bring the money tomorrow and collect El Diablo then.

As they walk away, Tuck looks at the tiny horse one last time and then leaves, heading towards his horse.

When Carlos returns to his comrades, Lope emerges from his hiding place and we see he is holding a large sack.


Tuck is pacing back and forth in Bromley’s hotel room later that evening. He is explaining to the professor that the bandits have the Hyracotherium and that T.J. has purchased it. Bromley says he appreciates the young man for telling him, but he does not relish the idea of confronting the men who murdered his friend again.

Tuck nods, but suggests that they go to the Forbidden Valley and see if they can find more of the horses. Imagine what Buffalo Bill could do with a whole herd of them! Bromley is outraged. He has only a scientific interest in the valley, not how much money could be made from exploiting what is found there.

Tuck sympathises, but counters with an offer to fund Bromley’s expedition.

Just then, the door bursts open and we see Carlos and two of his bandits standing there, their eyes burning with fury and pistols drawn.

Carlos demands to know what Bromley has done with the horse. Bromley protests his innocence and Tuck says he has been here all evening with the professor. What about Lope? Bromley sags and recalls what the boy said about returning the horse to the Forbidden Valley.

Reluctantly, they agree to join Carlos’ men and find Lope and the horse. Carlos and his men stomp out. Tuck suggests they ride to the arena and tell T.J. what has happened.


T.J. is furious. She accuses Tuck of setting the whole thing up, despite his protestations. Tuck explains that Lope can’t have reached the valley yet, as he is riding the professor’s mule, Rosita. They will soon catch up to him on horseback and T.J.’s investment will be safe.

Reluctantly, she agrees to join them, but that Champ, Rowdy and Bean will come along.


Dawn is breaking as the group of bandits, showmen, Tuck and Bromley set out from the arena in pursuit of Lope and El Diablo.



The Forbidden Valley

Lope reaches the cave entrance to the Forbidden Valley and climbs from Rosita’s back. She brays noisily. The boy takes the sack, inside which El Diablo kicks and neighs. He enters the cave and makes his way to the place where Bromley and Miguel encountered the pteranodon. Shafts of sunlight beam through the gaps in the rocks that were hastily placed to block the hole.

Lope begins pulling the rocks away and soon he is looking at the Valley with wonder in his eyes. He opens the sack and El Diablo tumbles out. It jumps to its feet and quickly gallops into the valley.

A hand falls on Lope’s shoulder and the boy whips around to see Tuck looking down on him angrily. He shakes his head and orders the boy to follow him back outside.

Carlos is furious and threatens to kill Lope on the spot. Tuck shields the boy, drawing his own pistol. As this stand-off takes place, Champ enters the cave and looks around. It is quite large inside, now visible due to the light coming from the valley-side opening. He heads back out and suggests they use dynamite to blow open a wider path into the valley. Then they can all ride in and retrieve El Diablo.

Bean and Rowdy volunteer to ride back into town and get some dynamite. They will be back by the following morning, they promise.

As the two men ride away, the remaining group set up camp for the night.


A small campfire keeps them warm. Lope eyes the bandits warily as they drink and fight boisterously amongst themselves. T.J. and Champ sit close to Tuck and Bromley. Lope goes to check on Rosita, who is braying again, out of sight behind some bushes.

Tuck asks Bromley what they might find in the valley. Bromley shrugs. There could be anything in there, cut off from the rest of the world, with limited potential for evolutionary change. He mentions Lope’s story of Gwangi, shocking Tuck. Bromley laughs, saying that it is doubtful anything like that exists.

Carlos overhears them and says that if Gwangi is real, he will catch him and sell him to Buffalo Bill for a million pesos.

Rosita’s braying continues and then we hear Lope shouting. Tuck and Champ rush to see what is happening. They reach Lope, who is standing transfixed at what is happening in front of him.

A large, feathered beast is tearing at Rosita with huge claws on its hind legs. It is doing so silently and the only noise is coming from Rosita, who is braying in pain and terror.

Champ and Tuck both begin firing at the creature and it leaps from the mule towards them, hissing. They all back away as the deinonychus stalks towards them, its multi-coloured feathers bristling, its deadly teeth glistening in the dim light from the campfire.

Tuck fires again, just as the beast leaps at them, and the bullet slams into its head. It falls to the ground, dead.

Bromley and T.J. rush up, followed by Carlos and the bandits. Tuck asks what the creature is and Bromley is confounded. He has never seen anything like it. It looks like a prehistoric therapod, but he cannot explain the feathers. Clearly, this thing cannot fly, so why does it have feathers?

Carlos snorts that Tuck made a mistake in killing it and that they would have got a higher price for taking it back alive. He kneels beside the beast, whips out a huge knife and cuts off the sickle-shaped claws from each foot. He tosses one to Tuck and tells him it is a souvenir. Tuck grimaces, but places the claw in his belt.

Tuck suggests it must have come through the cave and it is agreed that an armed guard is placed on the entrance at all times until morning. Tuck volunteers for the first watch and they all turn in for the night.


The next morning, Bean and Rowdy return, towing a cart full of dynamite and barrels of gunpowder. Champ asks where they got so much and they reluctantly admit to ‘borrowing’ it from the yard for the new railroad. Carlos bellows with laughter and gives both men a hefty slap on the back.

By the time they have packed the cave with as much explosives as they can, it is late afternoon. Tuck pours a trail of gunpowder from the mouth of the cave to a sheltered area some distance away. We see that he has a couple of sticks of dynamite tucked into his belt, next to the deinonychus claw. He lights the fuse and an entire section of the mountain is blown away, leaving a ten-yard-wide ravine beyond which, when the dust settles, the Forbidden Valley can be seen.

They all mount up and head through the dusty crevice, Lope riding with Tuck.


Bromley is amazed at what he sees. The lush vegetation is in stark contrast to the desert plains surrounding the valley. He is also astonished at how far and wide the valley stretches. It seems that this ring of peaks has sheltered an area of at least two hundred square miles. “Absolutely astounding!” he exclaims.

Huge, green ferns suddenly surround them as they ride on, almost the size of trees, but they soon enter a wide area of grassland and they can see, in the near-distance, a herd of sauropods. Bromley immediately begins taking pictures with his Brownie camera, quickly needing to replace the roll film. Tuck smiles as the professor jabbers in wonder.

They ride on, towards the long-necked dinosaurs. The beasts appear oblivious to the humans and they ride through the herd without incident. They all marvel at the size of the beasts, each one being well over fifty feet in length.

Suddenly, Lope cries out that he can see El Diablo. Tuck follows Lope’s finger and we see the tiny horse eating some ferns about a hundred yards distant. Tuck tells Bean to ready his net and the rodeo man pulls a large net from his saddlebags. Before any of them can react, Lope jumps down from Tucks horse and begins racing towards El Diablo. Tuck calls out, but Lope ignores him.

As Lope nears El Diablo, the horse looks up and snorts squeakily, eyeing Lope suspiciously. Lope slows down and speaks to the tiny beast in gentle tones.

Just then, the ferns erupt and a huge allosaurus leaps out, scooping up El Diablo and swallowing him whole.

Lope falls to his behind and whispers, “Gwangi…”

The massive carnivore, resplendent with the brown and green stripes of an ambush predator, stares at the boy and a deep growl emerges from its throat.

Gunshots ring out and we see Tuck and Champ racing towards Lope and Gwangi, firing rifles. Gwangi bellows and disappears back into the tall ferns.

Tuck scoops up Lope, relived that he is alright, but angry at the boy’s recklessness. They ride back to the group and Tuck suggests they leave. El Diablo is gone and he doesn’t fancy going up against that brute again.

T.J. will have nothing of it. She came for a star attraction for her show and that is what she will get. Bromley also says they must go on, for the sake of scientific curiosity. Carlos also wants to press on, if only to recoup something after the loss of El Diablo.

Tuck shakes his head, but concedes and they ride deeper into the Forbidden Valley.


We see the sun arc over the valley and long shadows from the surrounding peaks cover the lush vegetation.

The group comes to a halt beside a cave in a cliff side. Tuck looks at the lowering sun and suggests they camp here in the cave until morning. Carlos sends one of his men to inspect the cavern. They watch as the man rides his horse into the cave.

There is silence for several, long seconds. Then a huge roar issues from the cave, followed by a human scream. A massive eremotherium, a prehistoric ground sloth, appears at the mouth of the cave, its massive front claws covered with blood. It bellows at the human intruders, but does not advance.

Bromley is amazed, explaining that this is a prehistoric herbivore. Tuck points out its bloody claws and says that it is still dangerous. Shots ring out and the sloth’s shaggy body is peppered with bullet holes. It whimpers and drops to the ground, dead.

We whip around and see Carlos’ men holding smoking rifles. Bromley is furious and reprimands the bandits vociferously. Carlos laughs him away, telling him that they now have supper.


Night has fallen and we see part of the eremotherium roasting on a spit above a large fire outside the mouth of the cave. Carlos’ men take it in turns to cut slices from the leg and hungrily wolf it down. They offer some to Tuck, who is passing, and laugh loudly as he refuses.

Tuck sits down beside T.J. and Champ inside the cave. Nearby, Bromley and Lope are tucking into a supper of ground sloth meat, with Bromley commenting about the number of species from different time periods living in the same geographical area.

Further back, we see the horses shifting nervously in the gloom, being tended by Bean and Rowdy. T.J. shuffles away from Tuck, obviously disgusted at his very presence. Tuck sighs and says that they once had a good thing going. T.J. explains that he left her to find fame and fortune by himself. He admits it was a mistake and asks if she will ever forgive him. She shrugs and says that they will have to wait and see. She eyes the fading bruise under Tuck’s eye and smiles, apologising for hitting him. He returns the smile and admits that he deserved it.

The horses snort and shuffle as a distant roar is heard from outside the cave. Tuck asks if the beasts of the valley ever sleep at night.


By the fire, Carlos sits with his men. One of them asks why they are remaining with the gringos. They should slit their throats, take their horses and leave the valley. He is genuinely fearful of the place.

Carlos hisses at the man and says that, for now, they need the woman and Kirby. Any of the beasts they take back will make them rich and they need T.J. and Kirby for that. Grinning, he says that the rest are expendable. The Forbidden Valley is a dangerous place, after all.


The next morning, Tuck exits the cave, several canteens hanging over his shoulder, and stretches in the warm sun. Bean and Rowdy are leading the horses out of the cave. Carlos and his men are snoring by the remnants of the fire. Tuck tells Rowdy that he is going to fill the canteens at the stream they passed on the way to the cave.

As Tuck leaves, Carlos opens one eye and then gets to his feet and kicks his men awake.


Tuck squats down by a shallow stream and begins refilling the canteens with crystal-clear water. Behind him, between him and the cave are tall ferns and trees. On the opposite side of the stream is an open area of grassland. A herd of triceratops is slowly moving towards the stream, oblivious to the man watching them. They snort and bellow as they move, much like a herd of elephants. Soon, they are lapping water into their beaks only a few feet from Tuck.

A huge grin forms on Tuck’s face as he watches this wonder of nature in front of him. The nearest triceratops looks at him, snorts and plunges its beak back into the burbling water. Tuck laughs quietly.

A deep growl is heard behind him and Tick turns slowly. The triceratops stops drinking and watches as Tuck turns towards the tree line only a few feet away. He peers into the green, sunlight-dappled shadows. Is something there? A pair of large, yellow eyes blinks. Tuck steps back, splashing into the stream.

Gwangi bursts from the leaves and, with a mighty leap, lands on the back of the nearest triceratops, the huge beast almost dwarfing the allosaurus. It bellows and Gwangi snarls as its claws rake the herbivore’s flanks. The rest of the herd stampede away, leaving their stricken kin to the predator.

The triceratops rears its head, its wide, bony frill protecting its neck and causing Gwangi to adjust his position. He sinks his teeth deep into the spine of his prey and the triceratops roars with agony.

Tuck watches, his mouth open. He blinks and pulls out his pistol, firing two shots at the allosaurus. Two red marks appear in Gwangi’s side and he glares at Tuck.

“Oh, shit!” whispers Tuck as Gwangi bounds from the ailing herbivore and into the stream only feet from Kirby.

Leaving the canteens, Tuck races into the trees, pushing ferns and low branches out of his way. Gwangi snarls and begins his pursuit of the tiny human. In the background, the triceratops limps away, rejoining the herd some distance away.


Tuck emerges from the tree-ferns, shouting towards the others by the cave entrance. Their expressions of puzzlement turn to terror as Gwangi crashes into view, his jaws snapping only inches from Tuck. Tuck is momentarily puzzled, as the bandits appear to have their weapons trained on the professor, Lope and the rodeo crew.

On seeing Gwangi, they immediately swing their rifles around and open fire on the huge reptile.

Gunfire cracks and the allosaurus skids to a stop, allowing Tuck to reach his horse. T.J. embraces him unexpectedly and plants a kiss on his lips. Shocked, yet smiling, he says that there is no time for this and that they have to get out of there.

He mounts and they race away from the cave, back towards the stream. Gwangi is in hot pursuit. They splash through the water and onto the grassland, where the triceratops are still milling around nervously.

As their horses gallop beneath them, two of Carlos’ men reach around fire shots towards the charging therapod. This only enrages Gwangi more and he lunges, his jaws closing around the upper body of the closest bandit. There is a muffled scream and then the crunching of bone and then silence. His horse races away, blood streaking its sides.

Upon seeing Gwangi, the triceratops herd stampedes again and our group finds themselves in the midst of several tons of terrified monsters.

Suddenly, one of the triceratops charges at Gwangi and knocks the predator off his feet. It backs away and we see it is the same one that Gwangi attacked earlier.

Tuck looks back and brings his horse to a halt. The others do likewise and the triceratops herd disappears into the distance. Only Gwangi and the wounded triceratops remain.

The triceratops snorts, pawing at the ground with one of its forelegs, like a bull. Gwangi growls and sinks down on his haunches, his small forelimbs almost brushing the grass. The herbivore charges again, bellowing. Gwangi trembles with anticipation.

Just as the triceratops is about to strike with its deadly horns, Gwangi gracefully side-steps and bounds onto the beast’s back, once again raking and biting. The triceratops stumbles and Gwangi rolls from its back, quickly springing to his feet.

Bromley is using his camera expertly and comments about how agile these beasts are for their size.

The triceratops rears its head and bellows at Gwangi. Gwangi strikes, sinking his huge fangs into the soft neck of the plant-eater. Both animals drop to the ground, the triceratops mewling, Gwangi breathing heavily and gurgling as blood flows down his throat.

The triceratops paws at the allosaurus, but the beating becomes more feeble and soon it lies still. Gwangi releases his death-grip and stands erect. A huge roar erupts from his blood-soaked jaws. He is the top predator of the Forbidden Valley.

Gwangi begins feeding, ripping chunks of flesh from the dying triceratops.

Carlos and his remaining men break from the group and begin galloping towards the feasting carnivore. Tuck calls out to them, but they ignore him. All have lassos in their hands.

Gwangi looks up at the men on horses and a rope is released, cleanly looping around his head and neck. Gwangi howls and rears up, pulling the bandit from his horse. Carlos throws his lasso and this also loops around Gwangi’s neck.

The allosaurus is confused and snaps at the ropes. Another lasso finds its target and suddenly, the creature finds itself surrounded by hollering men, each holding a taut rope.

The triceratops lies close by, still breathing, yet badly wounded.

Tuck spurs his horse and gallops towards them, closely followed by Bean and Rowdy. T.J. (with Lope sharing her horse) and Champ remain behind.

Tuck throws his lasso and misses the head of Gwangi, but the loop falls on the ground, just as Gwangi steps into it. Tuck quickly ties the lasso to the pommel of his saddle and backs away. The rope tightens around Gwangi’s ankle. Tuck spurs the horse and they back away again, taking Gwangi’s leg out from beneath him.

The allosaurus crashes to the ground and bellows furiously. Tuck struggles to hold onto the rope as Gwangi thrashes around. Bean and Rowdy ride by and lasso the beast. Bean dismounts and ties his lasso around a nearby tree root, firmly anchoring the dinosaur’s head to the ground. Gwangi roars again and snaps at Bean, who leaps back onto his horse and pulls out his net. He throws it and it lands on Gwangi’s head.

Rowdy leaps down from his horse and grabs the edge of the net. He pulls out a long knife and drives it into the ground, securing the net. He races around to the other side of Gwangi, the beast hissing and snarling at him, and pulls out another long knife. He jams that into the ground, securing the net on that side. Gwangi is now completely pinned down.

Suddenly, the triceratops howls and struggles to its feet, its tail thrashes and catches one of Carlos’ men, sending him and his horse flying through the air. Both crash to the ground and lie motionless and dead.

Gwangi snarls and bites at the net that enfolds his head.

“Rowdy! Tie its jaws!” yells Bean. His friend dismounts and rushes over to the allosaurus. Gwangi’s angry eyes watch him. Rowdy takes his rope and approaches the beast cautiously.

In the meantime, the triceratops turns and sees Gwangi lying on the ground. It snorts, blood pouring from the neck wound and its exposed flanks. It charges at Gwangi, its blunt nose horn striking the allosaurus in the underbelly. The force of the impact is so great that Gwangi is shunted several yards across the grass, sending all of the horsemen flying or ripping the lassos from their hands.

Gwangi roars furiously, both in rage and pain. With the ropes now slack, he struggles to get to his feet. Rowdy turns to run, but Gwangi snaps, removing the rodeo man’s head. The body takes two more steps before flopping to the grass.

Bean calls out his friend’s name and grief is etched on his face.

Gwangi rises to his full height and shakes the net from his head. He pulls at the ropes with the sharp claws of his forelimbs, slicing through them with ease. The allosaurus spies Carlos on his horse, and lithely spins on one foot, his tail whipping around and cleanly striking Carlos. He tumbles to the ground and his horse speeds away to safety.

Carlos struggles to his feet, clutching his ribs. He coughs and blood trickles from the corner of his mouth. He curses Gwangi in Spanish and pulls out his pistol. He fires, the bullet hitting Gwangi in his softer underbelly. Gwangi screeches with pain and lunges down, biting Carlos in two.

Tuck yells that they should get the hell out and they all head back to T.J., Lope and Champ.

Gwangi growls, watching the men flee, but the triceratops charges again, hitting Gwangi in the leg, the long upper horns on either side of the limb. The herbivore flicks its head and Gwangi screams with agony as he is lifted from the ground and sent spinning through the air. He lands with a crash, but is up immediately, an ugly wound visible in his leg. The triceratops bellows victoriously and snorts, once again scratching at the ground with its forelimbs.

Gwangi turns his head and watches the humans riding away towards the forest of ferns that leads to the entrance to the valley. His eyes narrow and he growls with hatred.

Sensing that the allosaurus is outmatched the rest of the triceratops herd cautiously approaches, roaring and honking at the confused predator. Gwangi snaps at them as they encircle their wounded comrade.

Gwangi roars and the triceratops bellow back at him, standing their ground. In the midst of the herd, the wounded bull sinks down to the ground, its breath coming in laboured gasps.

Gwangi’s nostrils flare, the scent of the dying beast almost overpowering. The herd, though, will not allow him to pass. He turns and skulks away, stalking after the fleeing group of humans.


The group gallops onto the open plain that is close to the entrance they created. The family of sauropods is still there, munching at the tall trees that dot the grassland. Their long necks twist as they watch the horses racing across their home.

An ululating roar is heard and the giant herbivores become agitated, stomping at the ground with their massive feet. Gwangi emerges from the vegetation, his eyes fixed on the humans ahead. Tuck peers back, his face a mask of terror as the great predator lurches after them.

They delve into the lush ferns that border the plain and soon they are galloping down the narrow ravine they dynamited into existence only the day before.

Gwangi follows.



Gwangi on the Rampage!


Emerging into brilliant sunlight, the group charge out of the ravine and into the dusty landscape of Northern Mexico. Lope glances back, while holding onto T.J. and sees Gwangi lurch out of the ravine.

The dinosaur stops briefly, blinking in the bright sun, the terrain unfamiliar to him. He looks around, scratches the side of his head with a forelimb and spies the humans riding away, leaving plumes of dust in their wake.

He growls and begins pounding after them.


Tuck and the others continue riding away from the Forbidden Valley and we see they are approaching the crews building the new railroad. Tuck yells at them about Gwangi, but they do not understand and continue working in the dusty heat.

Fearful of stopping, Tuck’s group continue on.


Gwangi thunders on and soon reaches the railroad works. Men scream and scatter as the allosaurus snaps in all directions. Several men appear with rifles and begin shooting at the beast, but this only enrages Gwangi more. He stomps around, picking up men in his jaws and tossing them about.

Bullets strike him on his thick hide, drawing blood, but not penetrating deeply. Gwangi bellows and continues his assault on the work crew. Many of the men scatter, running away in all directions. Those that remain are either crushed beneath Gwangi’s huge feet or fall prey to his evil jaws.

When he is done, Gwangi continues on, following the newly-laid track towards Santa Maria.


Tuck’s group gallops into the arena. Champ dismounts expertly and begins shouting orders to members of the travelling circus. Women run inside the arena itself, while the men begin arming themselves. Bean joins them, still grief-stricken about the death of his friend, Rowdy.

Champ explains that he will try and stop Gwangi here, while Tuck and the others get to Santa Maria and warn the townspeople about Gwangi.

T.J. says she should stay with her people, but Champ says she should go and take care of Lope and the professor. She remonstrates, but her oldest friend will have nothing of it. He sets about organising his small army as Tuck and the others head off towards the town.


Gwangi stops at the junction/switch where the new track crosses the one leading to Santa Maria. The beast stops and looks at the three strips of iron leading into the distance. A far-off whistle is heard. He sniffs the air, his large nostrils flaring, and sets off along the track that leads to the arena and Santa Maria.


Tuck’s group comes to a stop in Santa Maria’s town square. A locomotive with a pair of passenger cars is just pulling out of the station, blowing its whistle and puffing white smoke into the blue sky.

There are many people milling about the busy market. Tuck calls out for the townspeople to listen. A terrible beast is coming and everybody must go to their homes. They scoff and jeer or plain ignore him. Tuck pulls out his pistol and fires it into the air. That gets their attention.

Again, he tells them about the allosaurus, but still they do not believe him. The local federale swaggers out of his office, a long, thin cigar clenched between his teeth, and demands that Tuck explain himself. “A big lizard’s headin’ this way!” shouts Tuck. The federale laughs and walks away, shaking his head and speaking in Spanish.

Lope stands up on the back of T.J.’s horse and yells that Gwangi has escaped from the Forbidden Valley. That gets the attention of many of the townsfolk. Some women cross themselves and scurry away. Most, though, simply laugh and carry on their business.

T.J. asks what they can do. Tuck says that they can do nothing and only hope that Champ and the others can stop Gwangi at the arena. Tuck looks towards the church and ponders. Then he tells the others to follow him. He has an idea.


We cut to a scene of carnage. Dead bodies are laying everywhere, most intact, some in pieces. It is a terrible sight. As we pan across the ground, we pause upon Champ, his lifeless eyes staring upwards into the sky. He is lying in the centre of a huge, three-toed footprint and his body is horribly squashed from his chest to his pelvis. Close by lies Bean’s bowler hat, crushed and torn.

Several horses lie dead and Gwangi is feasting upon one of them. He looks up, a huge slice of horsemeat hanging from his lower jaw, as the train whistle is heard once more. It echoes once more, closer this time. Gwangi growls and stomps towards the sound.

The allosaurus glares up and down the railroad track and we see the locomotive that left Santa Maria approaching.

Gwangi roars at the train and it is then when the driver sees the huge predator standing on the track. Panicking, he pulls on the brake and sparks fly from the wheels as they jam solid.

The train hurtles towards Gwangi, but he nimbly leaps aside as it screeches past. The train judders to a stop and Gwangi eyes the machine warily. The driver leaps from the engine and dashes away towards the arena.


Inside the train, the passengers are wondering why the train has stopped. A prim elderly lady is reading from a Bible and tutting at her fellow passengers’ impatience. Then she looks outside and we see Gwangi glaring back in at her. She screams, the Bible flipping from her hands and tumbling to the floor.

Gwangi strikes, his huge head smashing through the wood and glass of the carriage. The passengers scatter and the old woman is pushed to the carriage floor. She turns over to see Gwangi’s huge nostrils flaring above her.

She crosses herself and begins praying in Spanish, squeezing her eyes shut.

When she opens them, Gwangi has gone. She thanks the Lord and crawls away to safety.


Gwangi leaps on top of the second carriage. Inside, we can hear terrified screams and a couple of gunshots. Two bullet holes appear in the roof of the carriage beneath Gwangi. Gwangi bites at the roof, splintering wood and revealing the screaming morsels within. His head plunges into the hole and comes back out, a struggling man hanging upside down in the beast’s teeth. Gwangi flicks the man into the air and neatly catches him in his jaws, bones crunching and blood pouring down onto the wailing passengers beneath.

Another gunshot is heard and Gwangi turns to see a man holding a shotgun outside the train. Gwangi roars at the man, who drops his weapon and flees into the desert.

As Gwangi peers back down into the carriage, we hear bells ringing. Gwangi turns his head towards the sound and we see the distant bell in the church in Santa Maria swinging and pealing.

Gwangi jumps down from the train and heads towards the town.


Tuck and Lope stop hauling at the church’s bell ropes and rush to the large, open double-doors of the building. A crowd has gathered, wondering about the sound. Tuck tells them all to get inside the church for their own safety.

Groans of, “Him again!” are heard and they begin to disperse. Tuck yells at them, calling them fools.

Screaming is heard nearby and the crowd surges towards the church as Gwangi enters the town, snapping and snarling at the people.

The federale runs out, his cigar dropping from his mouth when he sees the massive allosaurus. He runs back inside his office and slams the door shut.

Gwangi stomps into the market place, overturning stalls and scattering people. He snaps and roars, but the throng of people confuses him and they all evade his deadly jaws.

Tuck holds open the church doors as people pour inside. He tells them to remain calm and grows angry as many are knocked over by the panic-stricken mob.

Bromley shuffles to the side of the entrance and takes photographs with his Brownie. Tuck orders him inside, but the professor refuses and continues his task.

Unfortunately, the tide of people running towards the church also brings Gwangi with it. There are still many people outside as Gwangi reaches the steps of the church, snapping and growling. Tuck is pushed outside, as a group of men grab hold of the doors and begin to close them.

Tuck tries to get back in, but the men slam the doors shut and bolt them from the inside. Tuck and Bromley pound on the door.

Bromley turns and sees Gwangi bearing down on them. He aims his camera and shoots just as massive jaws close around his body. Tuck calls out the professor’s name, but it is too late. Gwangi flicks his head and Bromley is swallowed, camera and all.

Inside, T.J. screams at the men who barred the door, telling them that there are still people out there. A man hits her with the back of his hand and she falls backwards. Lope runs to her aid and they retreat to the pews.


Tuck turns away from the doors to see Gwangi chasing a group of people across the square. His head lunges and a woman is scooped up in his jaws. He bites down and a bloody arm falls to the ground.

Tuck pulls out his pistol and fires several shots towards the beast. Gwangi stops and turns towards Tuck, a deep growl of recognition rumbling from his saurian throat.

Gwangi begins running towards Tuck and the talent scout looks for somewhere to run and hide, but there is nowhere. He is completely exposed.

Just then, machine gun fire strikes Gwangi in the side and he topples to the ground. Tuck looks towards the sound and we see the federale, chomping a new cigar and grinning, manning a Maxim machine gun on a tripod outside his office.

Gwangi springs back to his feet, blood pouring from wounds in his flanks, and glares at the law officer. The federale tries to open fire again, but the gun jams and Gwangi is upon him. The gun is flung to the side and the force of Gwangi’s impact sends man and beast through the front wall of the federale’s office.

Tuck watches on, now alone in the square in front of the church. Gwangi’s hind-quarters protrude from the office and we hear crunching sounds from within. Then he stands up, smashing through the roof and roaring. He turns once again towards Tuck, who sprints back up the church steps to the double doors. He pounds on them again, cutting his fists on the rough wood.


Inside, T.J. has had enough. She rushes to the doors, producing a pistol and warning the men there that she will shoot if they don’t open the doors and let Tuck inside. They fail to comply and she fires a shot into the door above their heads.


The doors open a crack and Tuck rushes inside. He tells them to close the doors again and bar them. T.J. hugs him and they kiss once more, this time with genuine passion.


Gwangi stomps to the top of the church steps and examines the doors. He sniffs at the wood and growls. He pushes at the door with his head and it creaks, but the door remains shut. Gwangi turns around and backs into the door. Again, we hear the wood creaking, but the heavy bar inside holds firm.

Gwangi retreats back a few steps and glowers at the doors. He bellows and charges, striking the double-doors with his full weight.


Inside, the doors shudder and a crack appears in the wooden beam holding them shut. The doors shake again as Gwangi flings himself into them and the crack grows, shards of splintered wood falling from the beam.

Tuck realises that Gwangi is going to get inside and tells everybody to get out of the church through the smaller side entrance.

As the people file out, the front doors rattle again and there is a loud crack as the beam splits.


Outside, people hurry away from the church, out of sight of Gwangi.


Tuck tells T.J. to take Lope and escape, but both of them refuse to leave him. As they argue, the doors burst open and Gwangi roars into the church. Wooden beams and masonry tumble down, almost sealing the hole Gwangi has just made.

His eyes dart about, wondering where his prey has gone. Tuck, T.J. and Lope run quietly into a shadowy recess of the church, hidden from Gwangi’s view by the many pillars that hold up the vaulted ceiling.

Gwangi steps deeper into the church, his mighty claws tapping and scratching on the tiled floor. He sniffs the air and turns towards the area where Tuck and his friends are hiding. He growls and begins walking towards them.

Tuck tells T.J. and Lope to hide and they make their way to the back of the church, where a large pipe organ sits atop a two-tiered platform. They hide in the shadows beneath the organ.

Gwangi spies them and begins stalking towards them. Tuck steps out behind the lizard and yells. Gwangi turns and roars at the human. Tuck pulls the trigger on his pistol, but it clicks empty. Tuck has no more bullets and casts the gun aside. His hands fall to the two sticks of dynamite in his belt.

Gwangi runs towards Tuck, but when Tuck runs to the side, in between the wooden pews, the allosaurus slips on the tiled floor and tumbles into the seats, sending wooden fragments flying in all directions.

Bellowing with frustration, the beast gets to his feet and looks around, but Tuck has gone.

Tuck rushes to T.J. and Lope and quietly, but hastily, escorts them to the side door. T.J. begins to argue, but Tuck shoves them both outside and bolts the door, sealing himself inside with Gwangi.


Gwangi hears the door bolt snapping shut and heads towards the sound. Tuck darts away and rushes up some wooden steps to the pipe organ. He looks down and sees Gwangi inspecting the bolted side door. Tuck casts about and his eyes fall on a long staff with a pointed crucifix on its tip standing by the organ. He grabs it and jabs Gwangi’s back with the sharp point of the staff.

Gwangi snarls, hardly bothered by the pinprick, and rears up to see Tuck holding the staff. He roars at the human and snaps. Tuck jabs at him and Gwangi bites at the staff. Tuck jabs again and this time, Gwangi takes hold of the point in his teeth. Tuck pulls hard and the staff snaps. He reels back into the organ, his body pushing down a number of the keys.

A Devil’s Chord echoes around the church and Gwangi steps back, confused by the noise. Tuck sees his chance and throws the staff. The splintered, broken end embeds into Gwangi’s left eye and he screeches with agony. He paws at the pole with his forelimb and the staff falls to the tiles with a clatter, leaving an ugly wound where the dinosaur’s eye had been.

Gwangi bellows at Tuck and lunges his head forwards. Tuck leaps back, again smashing into the organ keys. The chord rings out again and Gwangi throws his head about in confusion. Tuck pulls the claw from his belt and brandishes it high. He leaps from the platform onto Gwangi’s back, plunging the razor sharp talon deep into Gwangi’s open eye wound.

Gwangi roars and throws his head back, tossing Tuck, claw in hand, across the church. Tuck falls into the pews and rolls to a stop, his body bruised and cut. He gets up, wincing with pain, to see he is thirty yards from the allosaurus. He slips the claw back into his belt.

Gwangi turns, his remaining eye burning with pure hatred for Tuck. With a mighty roar, he gallops towards Tuck, sending pews and debris flying in all directions.

Tuck looks around and we see an ornate candlestick with candles still burning. He grabs a candle and pulls one of the sticks of dynamite from his belt and lights it with the candle flame. The fuse hisses into life. Backing towards the ruined front entrance, he lobs the dynamite towards Gwangi. It bounces on the floor in front of the charging beast and detonates as he steps over. Gwangi is flung across the church, smashing through pillars and causing the ceiling to begin collapsing in huge chunks of masonry and plaster.

The monster has a massive wound in his belly, but he struggles to his feet, debris falling all around him and fires burning, casting evil shadows all around.

Tuck starts climbing the barrier of masonry that blocks the front entrance, shafts of sunlight penetrating the fiery gloom of the church.

Gwangi bellows pitifully, the wound pouring blood all around. Tuck lights the second stick of dynamite and throws it. It bounces across the floor and comes to rest by a large pillar near the centre of the church.

Gwangi takes a step towards Tuck, his breathing laboured and wheezing. The dynamite explodes, disintegrating the supporting pillar and what is left of the church roof comes crashing down, burying Gwangi in tons of stone and wooden beams.

Tuck climbs to the top of the rubble pile and looks back. Fires are now raging inside the church and we can still hear Gwangi growling from beneath the stones.

Suddenly, he bursts from beneath the masonry and Tuck falls down the outside of the pile rubble and rolls down the church steps.

Gwangi bursts out of the church and with a final, mighty bellow of fury and despair, he crashes to the ground as Tuck scrambles out of the way.

Gwangi lies still in the dusty square, his breath coming in ever desperate rasps. He sees Tuck, takes one last snap with his jaws, then his head flops to the ground, sending a plume of dust into the air. Gwangi is dead.


T.J. and Lope come running around the side of the church. They embrace Tuck and he winces with pain. As the townsfolk slowly emerge back into the square, they glumly survey the damage around them, the dead bodies, the shattered buildings and the corpse of Gwangi.




The old man sits back and smiles grimly at the boy, the memories all too clear. The boy looks at the walking stick with the claw handle and asks if he is Tuck Kirby. The man nods.

The boy’s mother thanks the man for his entertaining story and says that they should be going. She stands to leave and Tuck rises also.

The boy asks what happened to the Forbidden Valley. Tuck says that the railroad company blasted the ravine shut, sealing the valley forever. It’s still out there, though, a world untouched by man. He gazes wistfully away, through the walls of the diner to a distant horizon.

He snaps back to reality when the boy thanks him for the story and that he will never forget it. Asking his name, the boy replies, “Ray.”

Tuck smiles and hopes that, one day, Ray will be able to tell the story of Gwangi to the world.


We dissolve to a shot of Gwangi, the king of the Forbidden Valley roaring his dominance over his domain.




© Steve JC Johnson - 2011

Updated 4th March 2011
